Ideals and Ideas

(Posted on August 27, 2014 by David McMillin)

[NOTE: While serving as mentor for an online version of "A Search For God" study group and working on the "Desire" lesson, a member of the group raised the question of whether Desire spiritualized by Ideals can become destructive, citing the example of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) as a case where individuals with a spiritual ideal (Islam) apparently indulge in highly destructive behavior. Here is my reply. – David McMillin]

... the ASFG book text for this lesson addresses extreme, destructive desire (as does the exercise “Buddha On Desire,” where misguided desire creates a “hell” on earth). We have also addressed some of this in the previous lesson on the Cross and the Crown (i.e., evil and suffering in the world).

With regard to your reflection on the ISIS phenomena and Ideals, it may be helpful to consider a few of the many life readings given by Cayce that discussed the Crusades, and particularly the distinction between “ideas” (ideologies, mental Desires) and “ideals” (that have a spiritual basis):

“Before that we find the entity was in what is now known as the English land, during those activities and sojourns of many for a cause. Or it was when there were the gatherings of the peoples for a cause to which many had given themselves as ideas without considering the TRUE ideals. (1082-3)

“Before that the entity was in the English land, during those periods of the early Crusades, when there were those activities as to ideals that were rather ideas. (2791-1)

“Before that the entity was in the English land, during those periods of the early Crusade activities. The entity was among those who were misinterpreted as to their purposes or activities … for that called an ideal - which turned to ideas alone. (1013-5)

“Before that the entity was in that land during that periods when the activities of many were disturbed because of groups, masses and associates and companions, taking an idea for an ideal; during those periods of the Crusades. (2572-1)

“… during those periods when there were the gatherings of many that went as in defense of an ideal, or rather as an idea that went to seed in what was supposed to have been an ideal … for rather making might as being right, power as in men's hands rather than that that comes from listening to the still small voice from within. (504-3)

“In the experience before this, we find in that period when there was the inflow in the land from those who came as conquerors, or as an attempt to make for ONE thought to all peoples, known as in the Crusades. The entity then among those of the peoples that were overrun, and attempted – by force of arms - to be made to think as those who came in, with all the pomp, all the glory, of an idea - and an IDEAL, overrun by that of self-EXALTATION. (23-1)

“Before that, then, we find the entity was active in those periods of the Crusades, when the peoples … took upon themselves those defenses of an idea, rather than of the deeper ideal. The entity then was as a soldier, or among those who made the journeys to that now known as the Holy Land; and among those who became quite different in their aspect or view of the Mohammedan religion … when there had been those periods of the activities among those peoples in showing THEIR (what ye term in the present as) brotherly love rather than the destructive forces. Aside: What a variation this is to the Moslem or Islam expression in the present!” (1135-1)

“… during those periods of the early Crusade, when there was the taking of arms … as related to the defense of an idea - AND an ideal, but rather ideas as to manner of defense of same… Individuals need never attempt to justify themselves for their hope, their desire, if they know the Author of that desire - as to whether it is for self, self-indulgence, self-aggrandizement, or for the glory of God and the honor of self! (2775-1)

Note the role of Desire in this last excerpt. Thus the Spiritual ideal must come first, so that mental Desires don’t become an ideology without a spiritual basis. Blessings, Dave